Writing Requirement
Writing (“W”) courses (typically 3000- and 4000-level) build upon your earlier work in WRI 1000 Academic Inquiry and Writing Seminar and WRI 1100 Disciplinary Research and Writing Seminar by providing instruction in the technical and stylistic requirements of writing appropriate to a particular discipline.
These courses have a substantial writing component. Faculty members spend at least one class period providing instruction in writing, and they evaluate written work for both content and form — not only for what is said, but also for how it is said. These courses provide opportunities for revision, as well.
- If you enter SPU with freshman or sophomore standing, you are required to complete 8 credits in writing (“W”) courses prior to graduation.
- If you enter as a junior, you are required to complete 5 credits in writing (“W”) courses prior to graduation.
- If you enter SPU as a senior, you are required to complete 3 credits in writing (“W”) courses prior to graduation.
Post-Baccalaureate Students
Unless stipulated by your major or minor, you are not required to fulfill the “W” requirement if you are a post-baccalaureate student.
Courses that Fulfill the “W” Requirement
Code | Title | Credits |
ACCT 4899 | Capstone: Accounting Theory and Problems | 5 |
ACCT 4970 | Research in Accounting Topics | 5 |
ART 3605 | Modern Art: Image and Power | 5 |
ART 3606 | Cross-Cultural Encounters | 5 |
ART 3608 | Issues in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture | 5 |
ART 3610 | History of Graphic Design/Illustration | 5 |
ART 3612 | Reading Urban Spaces: The Eternal City | 5 |
ART 4898 | Senior Capstone in Studio Arts | 3 |
ART 4899 | Senior Capstone in Visual Communication | 3 |
ART 4920 | Readings in Art | 1-5 |
BIO 3000 | Introduction to Biological Anthropology | 5 |
BIO 3310 | Ecology | 5 |
BIO 3434 | Animal Behavior | 5 |
BIO 4256 | Environmental Physiology | 5 |
BIO 4320 | Principles of Development | 5 |
BIO 4325 | Molecular Biology | 5 |
BIO 4330 | Evolutionary Mechanisms | 5 |
BIO 4361 | Biochemistry | 5 |
BIO 4415 | Plant Physiology | 5 |
BIO 4615 | Bioethics | 3 |
BIO 4810 | Marine Ecology | 5 |
BIO 4840 | Chemical Ecology | 5 |
BIO 4978 | Biological Research Proposal | 1 |
BUS 4690 | Strategic Management | 5 |
BUS 4899 | Business Ethics | 5 |
CHM 3461 | Physical Chemistry Laboratory I | 2 |
CHM 3462 | Physical Chemistry Laboratory II | 2 |
CHM 4361 | Biochemistry | 5 |
CHM 4700 | Selected Topics in Chemistry/Biochemistry | 3 |
CHM 4898 | Chemistry and Biochemistry Capstone Seminar | 3 |
CHM 4900 | Independent Project/Design in Chemistry/Biochemistry | 1-10 |
CHM 4960 | Undergraduate Research in Chemistry/Biochemistry | 1-10 |
CLA 4899 | Senior Capstone in Classics | 3 |
COM 3001 | Theories of Communication | 5 |
COM 3630 | Rhetoric in Public Life | 5 |
COM 3780 | The Art of Film | 5 |
COM 3781 | A World on Film | 5 |
COM 4604 | Communication Seminar: Writing Film Criticism | 5 |
COM 4899 | Communication Ethics (Capstone) | 5 |
CPE 4211 | Computer Engineering Senior Design I | 3 |
CPE 4212 | Computer Engineering Senior Design II | 3 |
CPE 4899 | Computer Engineering Capstone and Senior Design | 3 |
CRIM 3212 | Criminal Law and Procedures | 5 |
CRIM 4899 | Capstone: Alternative Justice | 3 |
CSC 3000 | Principles of Professional Practice | 1 |
CSC 3011 | Living in a Digital World | 3 |
CSC 3150 | Systems Design | 4 |
CSC 4898 | Senior Capstone Seminar | 3 |
CSC 4940 | Internship in Computer Science | 1-5 |
CSC 4941 | Computer Science Professional Experience | 1 |
ECE 4899 | Early Childhood Elementary Education Capstone | 2 |
ECN 3811 | Microeconomics of Development: Community Development | 5 |
ECN 3812 | Macroeconomics of Development: International Economic Growth | 5 |
ECN 4010 | Health Economics | 5 |
ECN 4641 | History of Economic Thought I | 1-5 |
ECN 4899 | Capstone in Economics | 5 |
EDMA 4000 | Math Methods II: Teaching K-8 Mathematics | 2 |
EDMA 4100 | Math Methods: Teaching K-8 Mathematics | 3 |
EDSP 4642 | Individual Education Programs | 3 |
EDSP 4652 | Disabilities of Learning and Attention | 3 |
EDSP 4653 | Teaching Reading to Exceptional Students | 3 |
EDSP 4899 | Issues in Special Education - Capstone | 3 |
EDU 3205 | Elementary General Methods I: Planning for Instruction and Classroom Management | 3 |
EDU 3255 | Secondary General Methods I: Planning for Instruction and Classroom Management | 3 |
EDU 4899 | Teacher as Person - Capstone | 3 |
EE 4211 | Electrical Engineering Senior Design I | 3 |
EE 4212 | Electrical Engineering Senior Design II | 3 |
EE 4899 | Electrical Engineering Capstone and Senior Design | 3 |
EGR 3000 | Principles of Professional Practice | 1 |
EGR 3311 | Experimental Methods I | 3 |
EGR 3312 | Experimental Methods II | 3 |
EGR 3313 | Experimental Methods III | 3 |
EGR 4811 | Engineering Senior Design I | 3 |
EGR 4812 | Engineering Senior Design II | 3 |
EGR 4899 | Engineering Capstone and Senior Design | 3 |
ENG 2225 | Literary Interpretation | 5 |
ENG 3003 | Literature and Medicine | 5 |
ENG 3205 | Issues and Practices in Workplace Writing | 3 |
ENG 3301 | Advanced Expository Writing | 5 |
ENG 3302 | Writing Across Cultures | 3-5 |
ENG 3318 | Creative Nonfiction | 3 |
ENG 3325 | Film and Story | 5 |
ENG 3331 | Race Riots Uprisings | 5 |
ENG 3332 | African American Literature | 5 |
ENG 3339 | United States Latinx Literature | 5 |
ENG 3348 | Romantic Poetry and Fiction | 5 |
ENG 3351 | Victorian Literature | 5 |
ENG 3380 | African Literature | 5 |
ENG 3381 | Middle East: Film and Literature | 5 |
ENG 3383 | Arab Spring: Gender, Islam, Democracy | 5 |
ENG 3384 | US Imperialism in Asia Pacific Islands | 5 |
ENG 3710 | 19th Century American Literature | 5 |
ENG 3715 | 20th Century American Literature | 5 |
ENG 3840 | Lewis and Tolkien | 5 |
ENG 4152 | Modernist Literature | 5 |
ENG 4162 | Postmodern Literature | 5 |
ENG 4449 | Jane Austen | 5 |
ENG 4451 | Toni Morrison | 5 |
ENG 4822 | The Novel | 5 |
ENG 4823 | The Poem | 5 |
ENG 4824 | The Short Story | 5 |
ENG 4825 | The Essay | 5 |
ENG 4899 | Senior Capstone in English | 5 |
ENG 4950 | Special Topics | 1-5 |
FCS 3385 | Food and Culture | 3 |
FCS 3710 | Housing and Community | 5 |
FCS 3740 | Interior Design History | 5 |
FCS 3870 | History of Costume | 5 |
FCS 3875 | Appearance and Culture | 3 |
FCS 4367 | Experimental Foods | 5 |
FCS 4370 | Nutrition Research | 3 |
FLM 3000 | Directors and Genres | 5 |
FLM 3781 | A World on Film | 5 |
FLM 4899 | Capstone: Writing Film Criticism | 5 |
FRE 3105 | Ecriture Engagee | 5 |
FRE 3205 | Topics in Francophone Literature | 5 |
FRE 4460 | La Litterature Francaise-du Moyen Age au 18e Siecle | 3 |
FRE 4899 | Francophone Capstone | 3 |
HHP 2195 | Research Methods in Health Sports Science | 5 |
HHP 4590 | Advanced Athletic Training Techniques | 3 |
HHP 4899 | Senior Capstone | 1-2 |
HIS 3358 | Race, Sexuality, and Religion in Postwar Europe | 5 |
HIS 3387 | Christianity in Asia | 3 |
HIS 3406 | Christianity in America | 5 |
HIS 3670 | History of United States Foreign Relations | 5 |
HIS 3725 | Women and Gender in the Middle East | 3 |
HIS 3765 | Family, State and Patriarchy in East Asia | 5 |
HIS 3767 | Religion, Revolution and Social Changes in China | 3 |
HIS 3785 | Trade, War, and The Making of East Asian Modernities | 5 |
HIS 3813 | History Online | 3 |
HIS 4899 | History Capstone | 3 |
HON 3200 | Honors Core: Research and Writing | 5 |
HON 4899 | Honors Research Capstone | 1-5 |
ISD 4899 | Capstone: Contemporary Issues Challenges of International Sustainable Development | 5 |
JRN 3202 | Reporting and Storytelling | 5 |
JRN 4894 | Media Law and Ethics | 5 |
LCL 3287 | Mythology in Literature | 5 |
LIN 4145 | Phonology | 5 |
LIN 4430 | Sociolinguistics | 5 |
LIN 4899 | Linguistics Capstone Seminar | 3 |
MAT 3000 | Foundations of Mathematics | 5 |
MAT 4899 | Senior Capstone Seminar | 3 |
MAT 4900 | Independent Project/Design in Mathematics | 1-3 |
MAT 4960 | UG Mathematics Research | 1-3 |
MUS 4230 | European Music of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque | 3 |
MUS 4231 | European Music of the Classical and Romantic | 3 |
MUS 4232 | European Music of the 20th Century | 3 |
MUS 4233 | Music of Black America | 3 |
MUS 4234 | Music of the Spice Route | 3 |
MUS 4235 | Music of the Pacific Rim | 3 |
MUS 4236 | Jazz History for Music Majors | 3 |
MUS 4237 | American Popular Music for Music Majors | 3 |
MUS 4238 | Psychology of Music | 3 |
MUS 4239 | Music of Latin America and the Caribbean | 3 |
MUS 4402 | History and Appreciation of Jazz | 5 |
MUS 4802 | Music Therapy in Mental Health | 3 |
MUS 4803 | Music and Medicine | 3 |
MUS 4897 | Project Capstone | 1 |
NUR 3132 | Professional Nursing 3 | 3 |
NUR 3958 | Health Promotion, Assessment Clinical Prevention | 5 |
NUR 4142 | Professional Nursing 4 | 3 |
NUR 4152 | Professional Nursing 5 | 3 |
PHI 3601 | Ancient Philosophy | 5 |
PHI 3602 | Medieval Philosophy | 3 |
PHI 3606 | Continental Philosophy | 5 |
PHI 3633 | Early Modern Philosophy | 5 |
PHI 3651 | Contemporary Ethical Theory | 5 |
PHI 3770 | Political Philosophy | 3 |
PHI 3999 | Minds and Machines | 3 |
PHI 4652 | Contemporary Metaphysics | 5 |
PHY 3311 | Experimental Methods I | 3 |
PHY 3312 | Experimental Methods II | 3 |
PHY 3313 | Experimental Methods III | 3 |
POL 3320 | Political and Economic Development of Nations | 5 |
POL 3670 | History of United States Foreign Relations | 5 |
POL 4640 | Political Theory: From Antiquity to the 21st Century | 5 |
POL 4899 | Political Science Capstone Seminar | 3 |
POL 4911 | Advanced Seminar: | 1-5 |
PSY 3588 | Psychological Research Methods | 5 |
PSY 4100 | Advanced Research Methods:Social Psychology | 5 |
PSY 4101 | Advanced Research Methods: Animal Behavior | 5 |
PSY 4102 | Advanced Research Methods: Cognitive Psychology | 5 |
PSY 4103 | Advanced Research Methods: Cross-Cultural Psychology | 5 |
PSY 4104 | Advanced Research Methods: Psychology and Christian Faith | 5 |
PSY 4105 | Advanced Research Methods: Personality and Preferences | 5 |
PSY 4106 | Advanced Research Methods: Developmental Psychology | 5 |
PSY 4107 | Advanced Research Methods: Clinical Psychology | 5 |
SJC 3331 | Race Riots Uprisings | 5 |
SJC 3332 | African American Literature | 5 |
SJC 3339 | United States Latinx Literature | 5 |
SJC 3380 | African Literature | 5 |
SJC 3381 | Middle East: Film and Literature | 5 |
SJC 3383 | Arab Spring: Gender, Islam, Democracy | 5 |
SJC 3384 | US Imperialism in Asia Pacific Islands | 5 |
SOC 4702 | Classical Sociological Theory | 5 |
SOC 4751 | Sociological Research Methods | 5 |
SPN 4105 | Literature Survey: Golden Age | 5 |
SPN 4401 | Topics in Spanish Literature | 5 |
SPN 4501 | Topics in Latin American Literature | 5 |
SPN 4899 | Latin American Capstone Seminar | 3 |
THEO 3110 | Torah/Pentateuch: The Old Testament Gospel | 5 |
THEO 3210 | Four Gospels and One Jesus | 5 |
THEO 3303 | Christianity in America | 5 |
THEO 4250 | Biblical Exegesis | 5 |
THEO 4720 | Leadership in Society | 5 |
TRE 3500 | Dramaturgy | 5 |
TRE 3600 | Theatre Literature and Theory | 5 |
TRE 4760 | Playwriting | 5 |
TRE 4911 | History of the Theatre I | 5 |
TRE 4913 | History of the Theatre II | 5 |