Academic Catalog

Limitations on Credit Applicable Toward a Graduate Degree

  • Generally, no more than 12 credits taken at SPU before admission to a graduate program will apply toward a master’s degree, though some programs, at their discretion, may allow more credits.
  • No more than 15 credits in independent study and research — including thesis, practicum, or project credit — may apply toward a master’s degree.
  • No more than 12 credits of 5000-level courses may be applied to any graduate degree. Individual programs may set lower limits. Exceptions in excess of the 12-credit limit can be made only with the approval of the Curriculum Committee and Provost on recommendation of the School or College dean. 5000-level courses may not be applied to an undergraduate degree. Find additional information about 5000-level courses.
  • The number of SPU credit-by-examination courses that may be applied toward a master’s degree are determined by the individual graduate program, but in no case may more than 6 such credits be applied toward a master’s degree. Only admitted students are eligible for the credit-by-examination option, and examinations may be taken only in quarters in which the student is enrolled at SPU. See additional information about credit-by-examination in this catalog.
  • Credits accepted in transfer toward your degree must be from a regionally accredited institution or an international institution with comparable government recognition, unless catalog pages for your degree program itemize specific policies and standards for the acceptance of credits from non-regionally accredited institutions.
  • Generally, no more than 12 credits earned at other universities can be transferred toward a specific master’s degree program (see program section for specifics). The credits must be in classes that are functionally identical to courses required by the SPU program, and are accepted at the discretion of the specific program.
  • No graduate work taken at another institution during the time a student is working on a master’s degree at SPU may apply toward an SPU degree, unless the student has the prior written approval of the graduate director.
  • SPU does not award credit for prior learning, travel, life experience, or work experience.