ACCT 4351 | International Accounting | 3 |
ANT 2250 | Cultural Anthropology | 5 |
ART 3606 | Cross-Cultural Encounters | 5 |
ART 3608 | Issues in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture | 5 |
ART 3610 | History of Graphic Design/Illustration | 5 |
BIO 1105 | Marine Restoration Ecology | 5 |
BIO 1121 | Coral Reef Ecology | 5 |
BIO 3000 | Introduction to Biological Anthropology | 5 |
BIO 3302 | Coral Reef Ecology | 5 |
BIO 3304 | Oceanography of the Galapagos Archipelago | 5 |
BIO 3305 | Marine Restoration Ecology | 5 |
CHM 2410 | Environmental Chemistry and Sustainability | 5 |
CHN 2200 | Chinese Culture - Past and Present | 5 |
CHN 2207 | Traditional Health Beliefs and Behaviors in Chinese Culture | 3 |
CHN 3300 | Food Culture of East Asia: Japan and China | 5 |
CHN 3307 | Silk Road Culture | 5 |
COM 3781 | A World on Film | 5 |
COM 4180 | Cultural Communication | 5 |
COM 4607 | Communication Seminar: Rhetoric of Dissent | 5 |
COM 4896 | Cultural Communication | 5 |
ECN 3811 | Microeconomics of Development: Community Development | 5 |
ECN 3812 | Macroeconomics of Development: International Economic Growth | 5 |
EDU 2300 | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Education | 3 |
EE 3520 | Microgrids | 3-5 |
EGR 3630 | Participatory Development in Appropriate Engineering | 5 |
ENG 2248 | International Fiction | 5 |
ENG 3302 | Writing Across Cultures | 3-5 |
ENG 3331 | Race Riots Uprisings | 5 |
ENG 3332 | African American Literature | 5 |
ENG 3334 | United States Multi-Ethnic Literature | 5 |
ENG 3339 | United States Latinx Literature | 5 |
ENG 3380 | African Literature | 5 |
ENG 3381 | Middle East: Film and Literature | 5 |
ENG 3382 | South Africa: Stages of Protest and Democracy | 5 |
ENG 3383 | Arab Spring: Gender, Islam, Democracy | 5 |
ENG 3384 | US Imperialism in Asia Pacific Islands | 5 |
FCS 3250 | Philippines Study Abroad: Serving Children, Families and Communities | 5 |
FCS 3280 | Children and Families | 5 |
FCS 3890 | Global Sourcing and Production | 5 |
FCS 4712 | Advanced Design II - Commercial Interiors | 5 |
FLM 2002 | Movies and Cultural Politics in the 1960s: Film History II | 5 |
FLM 3781 | A World on Film | 5 |
FRE 3205 | Topics in Francophone Literature | 5 |
FRE 3250 | La France et le Monde | 3 |
HIS 2417 | Religious Traditions of Asia | 5 |
HIS 2418 | Modern Expressions of Asian Religions | 5 |
HIS 3356 | The Holocaust | 5 |
HIS 3358 | Race, Sexuality, and Religion in Postwar Europe | 5 |
HIS 3366 | The Holocaust in Prague: Jewish Experiences | 5 |
HIS 3444 | Humanitarianism: Promises and Problems | 5 |
HIS 3445 | Genocide: A Comparative Study | 5 |
HIS 3448 | Refugees and Human Trafficking: History of Forced Migration and the Law | 5 |
HIS 3572 | The Civil Rights Movement | 5 |
HIS 3594 | African American History | 5 |
HIS 3720 | Rise of Islamic Civilization | 5 |
HIS 3725 | Women and Gender in the Middle East | 3 |
HIS 3730 | History of the Modern Middle East | 5 |
HIS 3750 | Latin America | 5 |
HIS 3788 | Pandemics, Empire and Survival of Asia and the World | 5 |
HON 2000 | Honors Core: Culture and Social Systems | 5 |
HON 2200 | Honors Core: History and Representation | 5 |
ISD 2000 | Introduction to International Sustainable Development | 5 |
ISD 3400 | Corruption and Development | 5 |
ISD 3510 | Monitoring and Evaluating Development Projects Programs | 5 |
LCL 3500 | Cultural Study Abroad | 3-8 |
MUS 1200 | Cultural Engagement Through Music | 5 |
MUS 2606 | Music of Asia | 5 |
MUS 4233 | Music of Black America | 3 |
MUS 4234 | Music of the Spice Route | 3 |
MUS 4235 | Music of the Pacific Rim | 3 |
MUS 4236 | Jazz History for Music Majors | 3 |
MUS 4237 | American Popular Music for Music Majors | 3 |
MUS 4239 | Music of Latin America and the Caribbean | 3 |
NUR 3132 | Professional Nursing 3 | 3 |
NUR 4710 | Culture, Diversity, and Nursing Practice | 3 |
PHI 2700 | Philosophy of Law | 3 |
POL 2330 | International Relations | 5 |
POL 3320 | Political and Economic Development of Nations | 5 |
POL 3330 | Global Women's Issues | 5 |
POL 3400 | International Organizations | 5 |
POL 4452 | International Law | 5 |
PSY 3410 | Cross-Cultural Psychology | 5 |
PSY 3485 | Cultural Developmental Psychology | 5 |
SJC 2248 | International Fiction | 5 |
SJC 3331 | Race Riots Uprisings | 5 |
SJC 3332 | African American Literature | 5 |
SJC 3334 | United States Multi-Ethnic Literature | 5 |
SJC 3339 | United States Latinx Literature | 5 |
SJC 3380 | African Literature | 5 |
SJC 3381 | Middle East: Film and Literature | 5 |
SJC 3382 | South Africa: Stages of Protest and Democracy | 5 |
SJC 3383 | Arab Spring: Gender, Islam, Democracy | 5 |
SJC 3384 | US Imperialism in Asia Pacific Islands | 5 |
SOC 3215 | Social Inequality: Power and Privilege | 5 |
SOC 3750 | Latin America | 5 |
SOC 3862 | Race and Ethnicity | 5 |
SOC 4210 | Gender in the Global Context | 5 |
SPGE LCUE | Cultural UnderstandEngage(LD) | 1-10 |
SPGE UCUE | Cultural UnderstandEngage(UD) | 1-10 |
SPN 3131 | US Hispanic Latinx Cultures | 5 |
THEO 2620 | Global and Urban Ministry | 5 |
THEO 2730 | Biblical and Theological Introduction to Christian Reconciliation | 5 |
THEO 3515 | World Christianity | 5 |
THEO 3640 | Intercultural Ministry | 3 |
THEO 3715 | Youth Cultures and Christian Faith | 3 |
THEO 4610 | World Religions | 5 |
TRE 2220 | World Theatre Literature | 5 |
TRE 3600 | Theatre Literature and Theory | 5 |
TRE 3760 | Theatre Management | 3 |
WST 2350 | Introduction to Women's Studies | 5 |