Academic Catalog

Social & Behavioral Sciences (SBS)

SBS 4912  Middle East Seminar: People and Cultures  (6 Credits)  
Prerequisite: Acceptance in the Middle East Studies Program. Taught through a semester-long program of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities in Jordan, this course examines the diverse mosaic of the Middle East peoples and cultures through the prism of various societies encountered along the students’ travels. This course seeks to introduce students to patterns of thought and behavior that characterize the region in general without losing sight of important national and religious differences. Regional travel allows students to observe and study a great variety of social, religious and political groups. In addition, students learn about pressing issues related to gender, conflict, economic development and cultural identity that currently animate the many religious and political communities they visit. Due to regional change, please note that all travel is subject to change based upon safety considerations.
SBS 4913  Middle East Seminar: Islamic Thought and Practice  (6 Credits)  
Prerequisite: Acceptance in the Middle East Studies Program. Taught through a semester-long program of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities in Jordan, this course examines many dimensions of Islamic faith - historical, legal, doctrinal, popular and behavioral - from early times to the present. Emphasis is on contemporary and "popular" Islam (the beliefs and practices of Muslims), including issues such as colonialism, gender equality, modernization, development and democracy. Students are encouraged to begin thinking about relevant similarities and differences between themselves and Muslim peoples around the world.
SBS 4914  Middle East Seminar: Conflict and Change  (6 Credits)  
Taught through a semester-long program of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities in Jordan, this course examines the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which many scholars now call ‘the 100 Years War.' Beginning with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, this course traces the origin of the conflict from the early encounters between Arabs and Jews in Palestine to the contemporary struggle to achieve a final status agreement between Israelis and Palestinians. The course begins in Amman with readings, documentaries, lectures, and interactions with local Palestinians regarding their experiences and perspectives. The course then continues during a travel component to Israel/Palestine, where students participate in homestays with both Jewish and Palestinian families and hear from a variety of speakers including academic experts and local professionals working towards a reconciliatory solution.
SBS 4951  Oxford: Tutorial I  (9 Credits)  
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Oxford Scholar’s Semester in Oxford. Taught through a semester-long program of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities in Oxford, England. The tutorial is the heart of undergraduate teaching at Oxford. It is an hour long conversation between a tutor who is engaged in research and one student who has spent the week reading and writing an essay in answer to an assigned, searching question. Accompanied by lectures by noted scholars, tutorials give students the chance to read in depth, to formulate their views on a subject, and to consider those views in the light of the detailed, analytical conversation in the tutorial. Students may choose their tutorials from a range of hundreds of topics within classics, English language and literature, history, history of art, modern languages, musicology, philosophy, and theology.
SBS 4952  Oxford: Tutorial II  (4.5 Credits)  
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Oxford Scholar’s Semester in Oxford. Taught through a semester-long program of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities in Oxford, England. Students have their secondary tutorial every second week during the university term and they choose a different subject from that studied for the primary tutorial: but in all other respects secondary tutorials have the same characteristics as primary tutorials (SBS 4951).
SBS 4953  Oxford: Undergraduate Research Seminar  (6 Credits)  
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Oxford Scholar’s Semester in Oxford. Taught through a semester-long program of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities in Oxford, England. Students follow the research seminar most appropriate to their primary tutorial subject (Classics, English, History, History of Art, Philosophy, Psychology, or Theology). Students attend University lectures, discussion classes which address methodological questions in the students’ subject area, and consultations to help in planning and writing a substantial term paper. The course is graded by a long essay and a proposal for that essay, and participation.