Academic Catalog

Political Science (POL)

POL 1120  United States Government and Politics  (5 Credits)  
Surveys the founding principles of the United States’ political system and examines the development and operation of major national institutions such as Congress, the presidency, the bureaucracy, the Supreme Court, political parties, and the media. For students pursuing an elementary education career, this class covers the Since Time Immemorial: Tribal Sovereignty in Washington State curriculum. Typically offered: Autumn.
POL 2000  Careers in Political Science: What to Tell My Parents  (1 Credit)  
The discipline of political science prepares students for a diverse set of professions: law, public policy, government, civil society, military service, and international affairs. This course will examine the various fields set out above as well as options for graduate training in those areas. At the same time, the course encourages students to reflect more deeply on their individual vocation and the diverse paths to professional success in their chosen field, e.g. the foreign service, law, civil service, etc. Typically offered: Autumn.
POL 2320  Comparative Political Systems  (5 Credits)  
Analyzes how nations are governed. Democracies, authoritarian systems and developing countries are studied in light of political analysis and with attention to basic questions of human well-being.
POL 2330  International Relations  (5 Credits)  
Introduces the international political system, contrasting concepts of national interest to increasing global interdependence. Discusses interactions among ideals and realities in national and global policy-making processes, and their relationship to individual citizens.
POL 2500  Integrated Topics in Business, Economics and Political Science  (5 Credits)  
Many of today’s persistent social problems are so intractable precisely because they are complicated problems. They cut across so many domains of life that they defy easy solution. Therefore, to solve them one must tackle multiple dimensions. To that end, this class will consider a single social issue or problem from multiple disciplinary perspectives. A portion of each term will be taught by faculty members from different disciplines within SBGE and will address economic, political/ governmental, and commercial/ market-based considerations.
POL 2900  Foundations for Leadership  (5 Credits)  
This course examines the implications of the Christian faith for leadership and statecraft. Of particular focus are issues of personal motivation, character and spirituality as they relate to politics and organizational leadership. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
POL 3125  Issue Seminar  (3-5 Credit)  
Current and enduring national and world issues are analyzed in the context of political science methods, concepts and Christian ethical standards. Topic varies. (Example: "Morality and Politics.") Course may be taken again as long as the topic is different.
POL 3320  Political and Economic Development of Nations  (5 Credits)  
Studies theories and experiences of "nation-building," both political and economic, primarily in Lesser Developed Countries. Evaluates concepts of authority, economic growth and human well-being, and the policies used to achieve these in different cultures and systems. Typically offered: Spring.
POL 3330  Global Women's Issues  (5 Credits)  
Examines global, political, social, and economic issues as they apply to women in global politics. Special focus will be given to geographic factors and how women and feminist theory fit into current political theory, the roles of women in developing countries, and what women can and are doing to change the world around them.
POL 3400  International Organizations  (5 Credits)  
An exploration of the history, formation, institutions and current role of intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations in the global community with special emphasis on the United Nations. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
POL 3440  War, Peace and World Order  (5 Credits)  
This course explores the issues of war and peace in the international system. It introduces key political science concepts and analytical tools for the study of world affairs, and applies them to explore the conditions and strategies affecting conflict, peace, and their evolution over time.
POL 3670  History of United States Foreign Relations  (5 Credits)  
Studies the United States as a participant in the international system, from colonial dependence to superpower. Proposes a theoretical model for interpreting United States’ foreign policy and applies this framework to historical events considered chronologically. Considers questions of morality in relation to foreign policy.
POL 4000  Public Policy and Administration  (5 Credits)  
A study of public policy-making, with special attention paid to the policy process in its implementation and evaluation stages. Using case studies, analyses of specific policies are undertaken in such areas as budgeting, education, civil rights, energy and social services. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
POL 4310  International Political Economy  (5 Credits)  
Examines the nature and dynamics of the global economy in relation to the economies and political systems of nations and to theories and models of national, regional and global economic growth. International trade, business and government policy are studied in this context.
POL 4336  Cybersecurity  (5 Credits)  
Cybersecurity is the domain of war and peace as much as work and leisure. All information is potentially vulnerable to cyber manipulation, requiring new analytics and security strategies. Challenges span geopolitics and technology as well as business, government, and private lives in the global economy. This course will accessibly cover cybersecurity matters essential to life, work, policy, and international relations in our Information Age. The course will enhance analytical and strategic skills, foster a comprehensive understanding of this diverse field, and encourages application to and exploration of particular areas of interest to each student.
POL 4450  United States Constitutional Law  (5 Credits)  
A study of the U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court and the basic principles of constitutional law in American government and society. Recommended for students interested in law school. Typically offered: Winter.
POL 4452  International Law  (5 Credits)  
An exploration of the intricacies of international law including its creation, different legal processes, and institutions that deal with international law as well as some of the main legal issues, pivotal cases, customs, laws and treaties that form the body of international law.
POL 4640  Political Theory: From Antiquity to the 21st Century  (5 Credits)  
This class chronologically traces major themes of Western political thought from antiquity to the twenty-first century including the nature of justice and governance, of citizenship and identity, global justice, and populism by using a wide range of thinkers from Plato to Amartya Sen. Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
POL 4643  Methods of Political Analysis  (5 Credits)  
Explores approaches and methods by which political scientists work with empirical evidence to develop knowledge and theory about the nature of political behavior in society. Students are strongly encouraged to take this course during their junior year whenever possible.
POL 4899  Political Science Capstone Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Provides an in-depth exploration of a specific issue or topic so that graduating seniors can synthesize and apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired while studying political science. Topics vary.
POL 4900  Independent Study  (1-5 Credit)  
Prerequisites: Junior standing; at least 15 credits in political science. Designed to develop intensive examination of selected areas of interest in political thought, institutions or behavior through a program of directed readings and/or research approved by a political science faculty member. (Maximum of 10 credits applicable to POL major.)
POL 4911  Advanced Seminar:  (1-5 Credit)  
Prerequisite: Upper-class standing. Seminars studying theoretical and/or practical issues in politics, government and political science. See current Time Schedule for topics. Students who are taking this course to fulfill the capstone requirement should enroll in POL 4899.
POL 4920  Directed Readings  (1-5 Credit)  
Directed readings to be arranged with the instructor of the course. Consists of a bibliography compiled with assistance of instructor and a corresponding number of critical review essays of the readings.
POL 4931  Political Science Practicum  (1-5 Credit)  
Political Science Practicum
POL 4940  Political Internships  (1-15 Credit)  
Prerequisites: Junior standing and at least 15 credits in political science. Provides opportunities for practical experience in national, state or local governmental bodies and agencies or political organizations. Available with a program designed in advance and approved by a political science faculty member. (Maximum of 10 credits applicable to POL major.)
POL 4950  Special Topics  (1-5 Credit)  
Students who are taking this course to fulfill the capstone requirement should enroll in POL 4899.