Academic Catalog

International Sustainable Development (ISD)

ISD 2000  Introduction to International Sustainable Development  (5 Credits)  
Creates a strong foundation for the study of International Sustainable Development by introducing students to history, theories, and major issues of international development. Students will learn different definitions and measurement of international development, ethics of development practice, and the differences between secular and Christian framework for development. They will also learn major theories of development, with an emphasis on modernization, dependency, neoliberal, and post-development paradigms. Finally, students will examine how major factors/issues—such as institutions, geography, foreign aid, and corruption—affect international development. Students will explore these topics by reading and analyzing development debates in the academic literature and by examining real-world cases. Typically offered: Autumn.
ISD 3050  Institutions and Institutional Analysis  (5 Credits)  
This course begins by asking the question: What are institutions and why do they matter? We cover the major concepts in Neo-Institutional Economics (NIE) and examine the relationship between institutions and individual decision making. By understanding the position institutions play in choice situations, we are able to shed important new light on questions of poverty, development, conflict, and political order. Typically offered: Spring.
ISD 3400  Corruption and Development  (5 Credits)  
Corruption is one of the greatest obstacles to social, economic, and political development around the world. The United Nations, thus, has included anti-corruption among the interlocking Sustainable Development Goals (to be achieved by 2030). This multidisciplinary course introduces students to the causes and consequences of corruption along with the main definitions and measurement of corruption. We explore strategies for the effective prevention and mitigation of corruption across a range of organizational, sector-wide, city, and national contexts. Drawing lessons from successful cases and considering the UN rules and SDG guidelines on combating corruption, we explore the possible courses of actions for different contexts. We aim to combine analytical and managerial dimensions of the problems into effective diagnosis and action. Typically offered: Winter.
ISD 3510  Monitoring and Evaluating Development Projects Programs  (5 Credits)  
One of the main aspects of global development management is designing, monitoring and evaluating social and development programs and projects. This course will teach students to apply the concepts they learn by critically assessing projects and identifying the most appropriate approach to monitoring and evaluation, then putting that information into practice. Each student will choose or be assigned to one project to work with for the entirety of the class and, by the end of the class, produce a Monitoring and Evaluation Assessment and Design.
ISD 3520  Grant Writing for Government Non-Profit Agencies  (5 Credits)  
Non-profit organizations typically rely on creative and technically proficient grant writers to craft proposals seeking funds from donors. Most have a team (small or big) working on grant writing and grant management. In this course, students learn and practice the grant writing skills they will need for employment opportunities in government and non-profit organizations. Following an introduction to grant writing concepts, strategies, and tools, students will gain first-hand experience turning theories into practice drafting grant proposals for development and social programs/projects. Typically offered: Spring.
ISD 4899  Capstone: Contemporary Issues Challenges of International Sustainable Development  (5 Credits)  
In this course, students will explore current issues, challenges, and trends of international sustainable development practice and their impact on development management. This course covers a wide range of issues highlighted in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, including poverty, hunger, HIV/AIDS, human rights, good governance, capacity development, corruption, development in failed and fragile states, peace building, and climate change in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. While reading and discussing the development literature, students will discuss the existing programs, policy implications, and contemporary responses to development challenges. Typically offered: Winter.
ISD 4940  International Sustainable Development Practicum  (1-5 Credit)  
International Sustainable Development Practicum aims at improving students' practical skills by placing students with local or international organizations to complete assignments closely related to international sustainable development issues and challenges. Faculty and students work together to select and secure practicum placement. Typically offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring.