Academic Catalog

Engineering Science (EGR)

EGR 1007  Exploring Engineering  (1 Credit)  
An experience on developing simple engineering applications and engineering design. Combines lectures, hands-on laboratories and projects. Typically offered: Summer.
EGR 1010  Science and Technology: How Things Work  (5 Credits)  
In this course students will work in teams to explore scientific and engineering principles to discover the basic science and engineering behind core technologies. Students will also consider the interface between Christianity and applied science.
EGR 1501  Computer Aided Design Applications for Engineers  (1 Credit)  
This course introduces the fundamentals needed to use Computer Aided Design programs including but not limited to parametric design of individual parts, working with assemblies, and creating animations.
EGR 1502  Machining and Fabricating  (1 Credit)  
This course will instruct in the principles of manufacturing through a series of guided projects utilizing machine tools, metal cutting, welding, hand tools/hand held power tools, and precision measuring instruments. Instruction will include operation of common machine tools such as the drill press, engine lathe, milling machine, sheet metal fabrication tools, and welding. Emphasis will be placed on safe operation of tools, work planning, and part design for manufacturability. Students will gain experience in light technical drawing (Blueprints/GD&T) and common part layout (benchwork) operations in preparation for manufacturing.
EGR 1503  Engineering Tools and Systems  (1 Credit)  
An overview of common tools and techniques used in the design, operation, and analysis of engineering, instrumentation, and manufacturing systems.
EGR 2200  Engineering Probability and Statistics  (3 Credits)  
Introduces students to concepts of probability and statistics along with methodology for applying these to engineering applications.
EGR 2930  Practicum  (1-5 Credit)  
Practicum for lower division students. Does not credit as technical elective for engineering majors.
EGR 2950  Special Topics in Engineering  (1-5 Credit)  
A basic course introducing the study of special interest topics in engineering. Topics and credits may vary between offerings.
EGR 2970  Research  (1-5 Credit)  
Special topics and research. Does not count as technical elective credits for engineering majors.
EGR 3000  Principles of Professional Practice  (1 Credit)  
Seminar and group discussion on topics related to the development of professional skills to prepare students for an engineering career. Includes discussion of engineering and SPU's mission, leadership styles, workplace ethics, internship and resume preparation, interviewing skills development, and exploration of internship job opportunities. Typically offered: Autumn.
EGR 3211  Acoustics  (5 Credits)  
Students are advised to complete EGR 3500 prior to taking this course. A first course for engineering and physics students in the field of Acoustics and Noise Control Engineering. This course will cultivate a foundational understanding of fundamental acoustical principles such as simple harmonic oscillators, lumped element analysis, sound fields in bounded and unbounded spaces, human response to noise, and environmental and safety issues. Applications will include Helmholtz resonators, loudspeaker enclosures, room acoustics, environmental noise, and HVAC noise and vibration control.
EGR 3311  Experimental Methods I  (3 Credits)  
In this course students will be introduced to advanced methods, tools and cognitive tasks required for contemporary scientific investigation and experimental research. Students will participate collaboratively in the design and implementation of benchtop research projects in physics and related fields. Students will use computers for collecting, analyzing and modeling experimental data. Special emphasis will be given to strategies for constructing and testing quantitative models for physical phenomena.
EGR 3312  Experimental Methods II  (3 Credits)  
In this course students will build on knowledge and skills developed in Experimental Methods I in order to gain greater ownership of the strategies required for autonomous experimental research. Students will participate collaboratively in the process of forming their own research questions and constructing a plan for investigating these questions. Students will use computers for collecting, analyzing and modeling experimental data.
EGR 3313  Experimental Methods III  (3 Credits)  
In this course students will build on knowledge and skills developed in Experimental Methods I & II in order to take full ownership of an autonomous laboratory investigation. Students will participate collaboratively in the processes of: forming a focused research question, writing and refining a research proposal, constructing, testing, calibrating and modifying experimental apparatus, developing and executing data collection and analysis protocols, and synthesizing and presenting research findings.
EGR 3611  Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering I: Alternative Energy Systems  (5 Credits)  
Introduces different energy sources and investigates methods to convert this energy into a useful form. Energy sources that are investigated, designed, built and tested include solar, wind, hydropower, and investigates issues of sustainability with the US energy sector. Includes examples of the use of each of these power sources. Typically offered: Autumn.
EGR 3612  Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering II  (4 Credits)  
Advanced topics in appropriate and sustainable engineering, covering topics relevant to engineers focused on sustainable technologies with emphasis on the developing world.
EGR 3614  Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering III  (4 Credits)  
Advanced topics in appropriate and sustainable engineering, covering topics relevant to engineers focused on sustainable technologies, with emphasis on applications for the developing world. Typically offered: Alternate Years, Spring.
EGR 3630  Participatory Development in Appropriate Engineering  (5 Credits)  
Exploring How to Help Without Hurting - this interdisciplinary course is for global development, engineering, education, business, theology, and other students looking to gain practical experience interacting with real-world problems in resource-limited, global contexts, especially around themes of poverty alleviation and energy, water, health, and sanitation solutions. Students will explore case studies that illustrate common development pitfalls. Technical field techniques such as site-reconnaissance and community participation methods will be explored with an emphasis on data collection and analysis for needs assessment. Projects will involve interdisciplinary teams focused on off-grid project assessment and concept-design. Application to and approval for study abroad participation is required for sections that include travel. Typically offered: Summer.
EGR 3800  Biomedical Engineering I  (1-5 Credit)  
Content varies by instructor but will include elements of an introduction to the history of biomedical engineering, biosensors, bioelectric phenomena, bioinstrumentation, biosignal processing, biomechanics, cardiovascular mechanics, prosthetics, cellular mechanics, and ultrasound. The course includes labs, readings, presentations and research papers.
EGR 3810  General Engineering Design  (5 Credits)  
This course uses interdisciplinary team projects to illustrate how engineers develop technical solutions to address a problem/need of each team’s mutual choosing. Each project requires the design, analysis, and/or selection of various mechanical and electrical elements to construct a functional prototype. Formal documentation via oral and written reports and project management tools are used throughout the process.
EGR 4450  Control Systems Design  (5 Credits)  
Analog control system feedback analysis and design using root locus, frequency and PID methods to adjust stability and performance of the controlled systems. MATLAB is used extensively as a design tool. Typically offered: Winter.
EGR 4610  Systems Design  (4 Credits)  
Provides an analysis and design of engineered systems as they relate to their appropriate application and environmental, economic, and societal sustainability. Students will use a systematic approach, including life cycle assessment, and explore impacts on society, including public policy.
EGR 4615  Engineering Project Management  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to project management and team leadership in engineering organizations. Includes concepts on key documents such as work breakdown structures, schedules, budgets, and risk management plans. Learn to use computer based tools for managing projects and tracking project schedule, budgets, and risks. Develop and present project information for a comprehensive, collaborative project including project management ethics and professional standards.
EGR 4811  Engineering Senior Design I  (3 Credits)  
Student teams begin a system level design of a project (a nondisclosure agreement may be required). Projects will be selected from a variety of topics. Students provide detailed schedules for building prototype systems and present periodic progress reports. During the course, students produce a technical specification, undergo several design reviews and design a prototype system. Typically Offered: Autumn.
EGR 4812  Engineering Senior Design II  (3 Credits)  
Student teams continue to implement and refine the prototype design from the first senior design course. Teams write detailed technical reports and submit their designs to design reviews. Periodic progress reports and team presentations are required. Quarter culminates with delivery and demonstration of initial prototype which will be subsequently revised and tested in the third course. Typically offered: Winter.
EGR 4899  Engineering Capstone and Senior Design  (3 Credits)  
In this capstone course, designs from EGR 4812 are developed into a manufacturing prototype and tested. The course covers testing methodology, redesign, and documentation methodology. Teams author detailed technical documents. Periodic progress reports and final presentations are required. Includes study of vocation in engineering, writing reflective responses, and preparation of a portfolio of major projects students have finished. Typically offered: Spring.
EGR 4900  Independent Study in Engineering  (1-5 Credit)  
Student does an independent study under direction of a faculty member. Study of problems in a topic for which related courses have been completed.
EGR 4930  Practicum - Service  (1-5 Credit)  
Practical experience in engineering that provides a service to the university and applies content learned from coursework. Examples include academic system support and programming; tutoring, grading and lab preparation.
EGR 4931  Engineering Practicum  (1-5 Credit)  
Practical experience in applying engineering concepts outside of a typical course, such as conducting a hands-on projects at a company.
EGR 4940  Engineering Internship  (1-5 Credit)  
Students work for an engineering employer and report on their experience. Arrangements must be made in advance. Typically offered: Summer.
EGR 4941  Engineering Professional Experience  (1 Credit)  
Students report on their professional experiences (such as internship or certification) through written reports and presentations. Students will also consider post-graduation aspects of entering the profession. Note: A learning contract for a tech internship or professional experience must be approved before enrolling in EGR 4941 and must be completed before passing EGR 4941. Typically offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring.
EGR 4950  Special Topics: General Engineering  (1-5 Credit)  
An advanced course studying a special interest topic in general engineering. Topics and credits may vary between offerings.
EGR 4960  Senior Project  (1-5 Credit)  
Student works with faculty advisor on a mutually agreed upon project. Requires submission of application to EGR chair three weeks prior to the start of the quarter.
EGR 4970  Research  (1-5 Credit)  
Special projects and research in the engineering department.