Academic Catalog

Biology (BIO)

BIO 1101  Biological Fundamentals  (5 Credits)  
Intended for non-biology majors. This course is focused on fundamental biological principles. Emphasis varies quarterly: animal biology, biological diversity, marine biology, and others. Basic concepts include Mendelian genetics and evolutionary theory. Biological theories and laws are related to Christian perspectives.
BIO 1104  Environmental Science  (5 Credits)  
Intended for non-majors. This course, held at our Blakely Island Field Station, introduces environmental science and ways that humans interact with the natural world. Topics covered may include geology, global climate, ocean chemistry, and fisheries and forest management. We will examine these topics with a multi-disciplinary approach, employing not only science but also economics and political science.
BIO 1105  Marine Restoration Ecology  (5 Credits)  
Principles of marine restoration ecology as well as supporting system-specific content to support a specific marine restoration project will be examined. For example, this course is offered as a study-abroad opportunity in Bali, Indonesia where coral reef restoration in an area damaged by cyanide fishing will be used as a focal project. The economic, political, and sociological drivers of human-environment interactions will be considered.
BIO 1106  Ecological Fundamentals  (5 Credits)  
Intended for non-biology majors. This course will focus on the biological field of ecology, which investigates the interactions between living things and their environment. Topics to be covered may include population growth, community interactions (e.g., predation and competition), ecosystem services (e.g., nutrient cycling), and global ecology (e.g., climate change). Ecological principles will be connected to theological principles with particular focus on the development of scientifically informed Creation care.
BIO 1107  Introduction to Forensic Science  (5 Credits)  
This course examines the principals, theories and practices of forensic science utilized within the law enforcement community and the American legal system. Forensic science is the study and application of science to the process of law and involves the collection, examination, evaluation and interpretation of evidence. Students will gain a basic understanding of the scientific and analytical approach to determining the value of evidence as it relates to the court of law, with special attention to forensic anthropology. Typically offered: Alternate Years, Spring.
BIO 1121  Coral Reef Ecology  (5 Credits)  
This course examines the structure and function of living organisms and how these organisms interact with their environment, using the Belizean Coral Reef ecosystem as a model. The diversity of fishes, algae, seaweeds, corals, and other organisms will be considered. Typically offered: Alternate Years, Winter.
BIO 1130  Advanced Open Water Diving  (1 Credit)  
This course provides the classroom knowledge to obtain certification as an Advanced Open Water Diver. Students will learn about the intricacies of deep diving (up to 100 feet), how to navigate under water, and several other specialty diving topics. While not required, students will have an opportunity to conduct 5 open water dives leading to certification. Students must hold certification as an Open Water SCUBA Diver or equivalent. Students will need to purchase materials and, if needed, rent equipment for this course from a designated dive shop. Typically offered: Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter.
BIO 1145  Oceanography  (5 Credits)  
An integrative course focused on fundamental biological, chemical, physical and geological principles of oceanography. Includes consideration of the scientific method and current research.
BIO 2101  General Biology  (5 Credits)  
Intended for students majoring in biology. Surveys scientific method, chemistry of living organisms, organization of cells, and foundations of genetics and molecular biology. Includes laboratory.
BIO 2101L  General Biology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 2101.
BIO 2102  General Biology  (5 Credits)  
Intended for students majoring in biology. Surveys animal classification, structure, function, development, and behavior. Includes laboratory. Typically offered: Winter, Spring.
BIO 2102L  General Biology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 2102.
BIO 2103  General Biology  (5 Credits)  
Intended for students majoring in biology. Surveys the non-animal kingdoms. Also covers plant structure and function, evolutionary mechanisms, and ecology. Includes laboratory. Typically offered: Autumn, Spring.
BIO 2103F  General Biology Field Experience  (0 Credit)  
Field experience for BIO 2103.
BIO 2103L  General Biology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 2103.
BIO 2129  Human Anatomy and Physiology  (5 Credits)  
Studies the structure and function of the human organism. Includes cells and tissues, skeletal, integumentary, muscular, and nervous systems. Includes laboratory. Credit will not be given for both BIO 2129 and BIO 4410. Typically offered: Autumn, Summer.
BIO 2129L  Human Anatomy Physiology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 2129.
BIO 2130  Human Anatomy and Physiology  (5 Credits)  
Studies the structure and function of the human organism. Emphasizes the circulatory, immune, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, urinary, and reproductive systems. Includes laboratory. Credit will not be given for both BIO 2130 and BIO 4410.
BIO 2130L  Human Anatomy Physiology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 2130.
BIO 2571  Introduction to Biology  (5 Credits)  
Intended for students majoring in Integrated Studies. Surveys scientific method, chemistry of living organisms, organization of cells, foundations of genetics and molecular biology, evolution, ecology, and diversity. Includes laboratory.
BIO 2571F  Introduction to Biology: Field Experience  (0 Credit)  
Field experience for BIO 2571.
BIO 2571L  Introduction to Biology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 2571.
BIO 2950  Special Studies in Biology  (1-4 Credit)  
Provides opportunity for in-depth exploration of topics and skills in Biology. Typically offered: Occasionally, Autumn, Spring, Winter.
BIO 2979  Introduction to Biological Research  (1 Credit)  
The student will conduct research in a laboratory based on an existing project established by the faculty member as an introduction to the process of research in general and to that faculty member's research in particular.
BIO 3000  Introduction to Biological Anthropology  (5 Credits)  
Introduces basic principles for understanding humans from a biological perspective. This course is a comprehensive introduction to the field of biological anthropology. Explores topics of human and non-human primate genetics, behavior, and evolution, as well as human ecology and medical anthropology. Typically offered: Autumn.
BIO 3130  Scientific Diving  (4 Credits)  
Students in this class will be trained in first aid, CPR, emergency oxygen provision, rescue diving, and the history, regulations, and techniques of scientific diving. Successful students will earn certifications as an Emergency First Responder and an Emergency Oxygen Provider. Students will not be required to dive, but if they choose to do so they will have the opportunity to earn certification as a Rescue Diver. Students must hold an Advanced Open Water Diver certification or its equivalent prior to enrolling. Students should also own their own SCUBA equipment except for tanks or be prepared to rent such equipment for two weeks. Typically offered: Summer.
BIO 3200  Geographic Information Systems in Biology  (3 Credits)  
This course provides an introduction to the use of Geographic Information Systems. Specifically, the student will learn how to use ArcGIS with prepared data sets and will create their own GIS database based on field observations as a term project.
BIO 3302  Coral Reef Ecology  (5 Credits)  
This study abroad course examines the coral reef ecosystem, with a special emphasis on the coral animals, fish, and seaweeds found at the study site. The interactions among different species and between each and the physical environment are considered. Students learn through evening lectures as well as daytime observations, measurements and manipulative experiments. Typically offered: Occasionally.
BIO 3303  Evolutionary Ecology in the Galapagos Islands  (5 Credits)  
This is a study tour of the Galapagos Islands. During the course, we will explore the marine and terrestrial ecosystems of the Galapagos Islands, emphasizing the evolutionary and ecological factors that structure these communities. Typically offered: Alternate Years, Spring.
BIO 3304  Oceanography of the Galapagos Archipelago  (5 Credits)  
This is a study tour of the Galapagos Islands. During the course we will explore the interdisciplinary study of oceanography within the context of the Galapagos Archipelago. Topics will include geologic formation of islands, oceanic currents, major climatic events, nutrient cycling and marine biodiversity. Typically offered: Alternate Years, Spring.
BIO 3305  Marine Restoration Ecology  (5 Credits)  
Principles of marine restoration ecology as well as supporting system-specific content to support a specific marine restoration project will be examined. For example, this course is offered as a study-abroad opportunity in Bali, Indonesia where coral reef restoration in an area damaged by cyanide fishing will be used as a focal project. The economic, political, and sociological drivers of human-environment interactions will be considered.
BIO 3310  Ecology  (5 Credits)  
Explores the factors and mechanisms responsible for population dynamics, community structure, and the function of ecosystems. Includes laboratory. Typically offered: Autumn, Spring.
BIO 3310F  Ecology Field Experience  (0 Credit)  
Field experience for BIO 3310.
BIO 3310L  Ecology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 3310.
BIO 3325  Genetics  (5 Credits)  
Introduces inheritance of specific traits through the study of transmission genetics. Focuses on the biology of gene transmission, nucleic acids, chromosome structure, regulation, epigenetics, genetic disease, and biotechnology. Research methods are stressed throughout the course. Typically offered: Autumn, Winter.
BIO 3325L  Genetics Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 3325.
BIO 3350  Immunology  (3 Credits)  
Covers major features of innate and adaptive immunity including: Antibodies, T cell receptors, leukocyte development, responses to bacterial and viral infections, vaccines, and disorders of the immune system such as allergy, autoimmunity, and AIDS.
BIO 3351  General Microbiology  (5 Credits)  
Clinically focused overview of the field of microbiology with an emphasis on the bacterial, viral and fungal organisms that cause disease in humans. Required laboratory focuses on the appropriate handling, growth, and identification of microorganisms in clinical applications.
BIO 3351L  General Microbiology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 3351.
BIO 3432  Biodiversity: Vertebrate Biology  (5 Credits)  
Examines vertebrate life in an evolutionary context through the study of adaptations, comparative anatomy, paleontology, and natural history. Includes laboratory.
BIO 3432L  Biodiversity: Vertebrate Biology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 3432.
BIO 3434  Animal Behavior  (5 Credits)  
Examines the mechanisms and evolution of behavior in the major animal groups, exploring the application of scientific thinking and methodology to the study of animal behavior. Includes laboratory/discussion. Intended for students that have/will not take BIO 3436. Typically offered: Spring.
BIO 3434L  Animal Behavior Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 3434.
BIO 3436  Behavioral Ecology  (5 Credits)  
Examines the proximate and ultimate causes of behavior in the major animal groups. This field course uses techniques in behavioral ecology to explore the application of scientific thinking and methodology to the study of animal behavior. This field course will focus on understanding animal communication, habitat selection, feeding behavior and predator/prey interactions, altruistic behavior, sexual selection and mating systems, and parental care. No credit will be given for students who have taken BIO 3434. Typically offered: Summer.
BIO 3453  Biodiversity: Plant Identification and Taxonomy  (5 Credits)  
Explores sampling, identification, and systematics of the major plant families with special emphasis on the flora of the Pacific Northwest. Includes laboratory/field studies. Typically offered: Spring.
BIO 3453F  Biodiversity: Plant Identification and Taxonomy-Field Experience  (0 Credit)  
Field experience for BIO 3453.
BIO 3453L  Biodiversity: Plant Identification and Taxonomy Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 3453.
BIO 3835  Theological Ecology  (5 Credits)  
As humans we are called to tend and keep creation, but effectively caring for creation requires a knowledge of how and why creation was intended to function. As such, this course will cover ecological topics such as speciation, extinction, predation, competition, and evolution. This course will also investigate anthropogenic alterations to creation, such as climate change and biodiversity loss. Further, this course will investigate theological explanations for the existence of creation, the fall of creation, and our vocational call toward the reconciliation of all creation. Typically offered: Alternate Years, Winter.
BIO 3896  Medical Terminology  (2 Credits)  
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of basic medical terminology so that they can use this vocabulary in the health care setting. Medical terms associated with body systems, disease processes, laboratory tests, and clinical procedures commonly found in the health care setting will be explored. Rather than memorizing hundreds or thousands of words we will learn how to break apart a medical word into its parts (e.g. prefix, root, suffix). Students will read and analyze medical journal articles to practice utilizing medical terminology. Typically offered: Winter.
BIO 3898  Women in Science  (2 Credits)  
This course will explore key scientific discoveries with a specific focus on the work of women scientists and the ways in which our understanding of the world has been heavily impacted by successes of these scientists. This course takes both a historical and current perspective to the contributions women scientists have made to their specific fields, including chemistry, physics, engineering, anthropology, and biology.
BIO 3899  Scientific Literature  (1 Credit)  
Students will read, discuss and present recent peer-reviewed journal articles in a selected subdiscipline of biology. The focus of the course will change from quarter to quarter, depending on the interests of the professor and students. Typically offered: Autumn, Spring, Winter.
BIO 4256  Environmental Physiology  (5 Credits)  
This course focuses on how individuals respond physiologically to their environment especially to maintain homeostasis and acquire nutrients. Topics covered will include circadian rhythms and responses to various stressors (e.g. light, heat, salinity, climate change, hypoxia). Two recurring themes will include discussion of the way in which organisms balance acclimation and adaptation; and the manner in which organisms balance tradeoffs. Typically offered: Autumn, Summer.
BIO 4320  Principles of Development  (5 Credits)  
Surveys principles of developmental biology in representative vertebrate and invertebrate models. Required laboratory is devoted to experimental and descriptive approaches to the study of development. Typically offered: Spring.
BIO 4320L  Principles of Development Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 4320. Typically offered: Spring.
BIO 4325  Molecular Biology  (5 Credits)  
Detailed examination of the molecular mechanisms controlling the replication, regulation and function of nucleic acids in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Explores foundational principles of molecular genetics, molecular microbiology, genomics and genetic engineering including the central dogma, gene regulation, genomics, biotechnology and associated techniques used by researchers in these fields. Advanced research topics in molecular microbiology will be addressed in the context of an original research project. Includes intensive laboratory.
BIO 4325L  Molecular Biology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 4325.
BIO 4330  Evolutionary Mechanisms  (5 Credits)  
Explores population genetics as a mechanism of evolutionary change, emphasizing mutation, recombination, and selection. Considers speciation, quantitative genetics, neutral theory, phylogenetic systematics, history, and extinction. Includes discussion of micro-evolutionary and macro-evolutionary changes. Includes laboratory.
BIO 4330L  Evolutionary Mechanisms Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 4330.
BIO 4352  Cell Biology  (5 Credits)  
This course will examine eukaryotic cell structure and function. Overarching themes include cellular organelles, interaction of cells with the extracellular environment, cell-cell interactions, cellular movement, and cellular signaling. Includes laboratory.
BIO 4352L  Cell Biology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 4352.
BIO 4360  Biostatistics  (5 Credits)  
Explores the nature and use of measurement and evaluation and standardized testing. Develops concepts and skills in the development, selection, administration, and interpretation of statistical tests. Specific topics covered may include the following: Analysis of variance and covariance; chi square tests; nonparametric procedure multiple and curvilinear regression; experimental design power of tests; and use of computer programs in standard statistical problems. Typically offered: Winter.
BIO 4361  Biochemistry  (5 Credits)  
Studies chemical properties of biological compounds: carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and proteins, and nucleic acids. Metabolism: biochemical energetics, enzymes, electron transport, and oxidative phosphorylation. Integration of metabolism: biochemical genetics, metabolic regulation. Includes laboratory.
BIO 4410  Human Physiology  (5 Credits)  
Investigates human physiology from an evolutionary perspective. The study of physiological homeostasis (e.g. cell signaling and tissue dynamics, muscle contraction and development, cardiovascular and respiratory integration) will be contrasted with the same systems under stress (e.g. illness or environmental changes). No credit will be given for students who have taken BIO 2129 or BIO 2130. Includes Laboratory. Typically offered: Autumn.
BIO 4410L  Human Physiology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 4410.
BIO 4413  Animal Physiology  (5 Credits)  
Investigates the integrative physiology of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. The endocrine, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and urogenital systems will be discussed. Includes laboratory. Typically offered: Winter.
BIO 4413L  Animal Physiology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 4413.
BIO 4415  Plant Physiology  (5 Credits)  
Considers photosynthesis, material transport, seed germination, growth and development, flowering and fruiting, and hormones of plants. The relationship of structure and function will be emphasized. Includes laboratory. Typically offered: Autumn.
BIO 4415L  Plant Physiology-Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 4415.
BIO 4418  Neurobiology  (5 Credits)  
An introduction to the neurosciences, focusing on fundamental concepts and comparative aspects of nervous-system structure and function. Laboratory makes extensive use of invertebrate models to examine the cellular basis of behavior, including neuronal morphology, electrophysiology, and transmitter chemistry. Includes laboratory.
BIO 4418L  Neurobiology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 4418.
BIO 4419  Medical Virology  (5 Credits)  
This course provides an overview of replication and pathogenesis of common medically important human viruses, including viral structure, viral genetics, virus-cell interactions, physiological mechanisms of infection and spread, host defenses, viral experimental techniques, viral treatments and prevention, and the epidemiology of various human viruses. Includes laboratory. Typically offered: Winter.
BIO 4419L  Medical Virology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab component of BIO 4419.
BIO 4435  Biodiversity: Parasites and Pests  (5 Credits)  
Explores the biology and classification of medically and economically important organisms, with emphasis on protozoa, parasitic worms, insects, and mites. Provides a survey of parasitic disease, vector biology, and animal pests of livestock and crops. Includes laboratory.
BIO 4435L  Biodiversity: Parasites Pests Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 4435.
BIO 4615  Bioethics  (3 Credits)  
Examines ethical issues in biology and biomedical science that help shape a Christian worldview and value system. This immersive seminar-style course draws on readings in bioethics, health care, history, medical anthropology, philosophy, creation care and science. Students will engage topics through in-depth book and article discussions and presentations, short written responses and a comprehensive research paper. Typically offered: Autumn, Spring.
BIO 4744  Marine Botany  (5 Credits)  
Provides a field and laboratory course emphasizing identification, life histories, habitats, and interrelationships of marine plants with emphasis on local flora and Blakely Island. Includes laboratory. Typically Offered: Summer Quarter at Blakely Island Field Station.
BIO 4810  Marine Ecology  (5 Credits)  
Considers recent advances in marine ecology. Symbioses, predation, herbivory, and interactions with the physical environment will be emphasized. Laboratory and field work will include the application of ecological techniques to a specific problem and will include the writing of reports describing the results. Typically offered: Summer Quarter at Blakely Island Field Station.
BIO 4815  Aquatic Ecology  (5 Credits)  
Introduces students to the biology of freshwater organisms. The physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of flowing and standing water habitats will be studied. The field and laboratory work will focus on lakes, streams, and marshes. Typically offered: Summer Quarter at Blakely Island Field Station.
BIO 4825  Forest Ecology  (5 Credits)  
Examines the organisms that comprise the forest ecosystem and their interaction with the physical environment. Emphasis will be placed on field study of forest community composition and the forest as a biologically modified habitat. Typically offered: Summer Quarter at Blakely Island Field Station.
BIO 4835  Conservation Biology  (5 Credits)  
Considers values of, threats to, and strategies for conserving biodiversity. Theories of conservation biology will be applied to local biodiversity on Blakely Island. Field exercises will focus on assessing biodiversity of distinct taxa and honing skills for identifying the diversity of plants and animals near the field station. Typically offered: Summer.
BIO 4840  Chemical Ecology  (5 Credits)  
Explores the physical, physiological, and ecological bases for chemical communication between organisms. Requires laboratory. Focuses on independent student projects using physiological and behavioral research techniques. Typically offered: Spring.
BIO 4840L  Chemical Ecology Lab  (0 Credit)  
Lab Component of BIO 4840.
BIO 4899  Natural Sciences Seminar  (1 Credit)  
A capstone experience for seniors that explores current natural sciences topics in an interdisciplinary setting. Seminars addressing current research advances, ethical issues in science, or the intersection of science, vocation, and Christian faith are presented by faculty, students, and guest scholars. Discussion and reflection incorporate appropriate readings. A minimum of two quarters of seminar must be completed during the senior year to fulfill the senior capstone requirement.
BIO 4900  Independent Study in Biology  (1-5 Credit)  
Directed readings and/or investigation on special topics.
BIO 4930  Biology Practicum  (1-5 Credit)  
Provides opportunity for applied biology. Selected students are assigned teaching, grading, lab preparation, and/or tutoring responsibilities.
BIO 4940  Internship in Biology  (1-5 Credit)  
Provides a significant learning experience under faculty supervision in a work-study environment either on or off campus.
BIO 4950  Special Studies in Biology  (1-5 Credit)  
Provides selected field-study topics offered at Biology Department's discretion: Hawaiian marine biology; Caribbean marine biology (e.g., Belize); Galapagos Islands natural history; Sonoran Desert biology; Alpine flora; and others.
BIO 4970  Research Methods in Biology  (1-5 Credit)  
Provides theoretical foundation and practical experience in specific research methods used in the biological sciences. Each course focuses on a single research methodology, such as scanning or transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM), flourescence microscopy, nucleic acid sequencing and others.
BIO 4978  Biological Research Proposal  (1 Credit)  
The student will prepare a proposal including a literature review and methods description for a biological research project.
BIO 4979  Biological Research  (1-4 Credit)  
The student will conduct research based on a proposal prepared prior to registering for this course. Results of the research will be presented at undergraduate or professional symposia.
BIO 4982  Advanced Biological Research  (1-5 Credit)  
The student will conduct research based on a proposal prepared prior to registering for this course. Results of the research will be presented at undergraduate or professional symposia.